Benefits of Long-Range Scanning
Warehousing technology is in a period of change. Innovative new technologies have transformed warehouse procedures. It can be difficult to keep up with the pace of change, but some new innovations provide the opportunity to save time and improve the accuracy of stock-taking procedures.
Warehousing technology is in a period of change. Innovative new technologies have transformed warehouse procedures. It can be difficult to keep up with the pace of change, but some new innovations provide the opportunity to save time and improve the accuracy of stock-taking procedures.
One key benefit of long-range scanning is time savings. Time is money in any industry. If you can save time through technology, it gives you a competitive edge. Long range scanners can scan barcodes from as far away as 70 feet. Warehouse workers can quickly and easily scan dozens of items within their range. Warehouse workers can quickly and easily scan dozens of items within their range.
With long range scanners, you can read barcodes with ease in dimly-lit situations, covered with clear-wrap or even damaged barcodes. In addition, some long-range scanners can read multiple barcodes with one trigger pull.
One powerful feature is omnidirectional scanning. The beam doesn’t need to be lined up with the barcode. Long-range scanners can read barcodes from any angle giving you even more flexibility and saving time.
Long range scanners can also function at short ranges, providing unprecedented versatility. This enables workers to perform a variety of tasks without having to switch device, meaning they can work without interruption, and the business ultimately saves money by investing in fewer pieces of kit.
Long-range scanners are built from the ground up for business. No need to worry about drops and other hazards that the warehouse environment throws at you.
A Range of Products
Two powerful options for long-range scanning are the Denso BHT-1700 and the Zebra MC3300. Both are high-quality products with a wide range of professional features.
Speak to an Expert
We’re experts in mobile and scanning technology and we’d be happy to help you optimize your warehousing workflow. We’re vendor agnostic, so we can meet with your business and demo a range of manufacturers. Our goal is to ensure you chose the right barcode technology for your business today and for the future.